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Northwest Iowa Dairy Outlooks

A local discussion of current science and issues concerning dairying in northwest iowa

With “mosquito season” upon us, horse owners need to be proactive in protecting their animals. The first step is to attend the Protecting Your Horse From Mosquito-borne Viruses program on Thursday, May 5. Extension professionals have put this program together to help owners understand the threat, identify potential hazards in their stable and complete the cycle by understanding diagnosing and treatment options. The program runs from 5:30 to 9 pm and will be held at Russell Hall located at 5710 Jacksboro Hwy., in Fort Worth. The program is hosted by the Tarrant County Extension Horse Committee and sponsored by Russell Feed & Supply.

The first speaker will be Nina Dacko. She is the Vector Control Supervisor for Tarrant County and collaborates with others at Tarrant County Public Health (TCPH) department in making changes and/or major decisions in regard to the West Nile virus (WNV) surveillance program. She will address risks for the people who work around stables and horses and give suggestions on how to protect them.

Then Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Entomologist Dr. Sonja Swiger will address which mosquitos have the most potential for spreading disease and the hazards that contribute to a high mosquito population and give solutions to controlling the population.

Finally, Dr. Kelly Warner with Equine Sports Medicine & Surgery in Weatherford will outline diagnosing and treating the West Nile virus and other mosquito-borne viruses in horses. She has diagnosed and treated many West Nile positive horses over the years.

This program will benefit stable-owners and horsemen whether they own one horse or 100 horses. There is no charge for the program, but everyone is asked to reserve their seat on-line at:

For more information contact the Texas AgriLife Extension Service office in Tarrant County at 817.884.1946.


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